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Are you a highly sensitive person?

11 spalio, 2019

Although the very term „a highly sensitive person” may seem puzzling to us, research indicates that they can constitute as much as 20% of the population! Despite many other similarities, highly sensitive people are not introverts and show a number of specific characteristics that we can observe in everyday situations. How does this work in […]

Sweet Sleep: Dealing With And Overcoming Sleep Disorders

11 spalio, 2019

Sleep. We often take it for granted, expecting that every night we’ll drift into sweet slumber. But for millions of people around the world, sleep is a challenge. Due to sleep disorders, they find themselves unable to sleep, or worse. But what exactly are sleep disorders? And what causes them? In this post, we’re going […]

How to survive when our life falls apart?

11 spalio, 2019

We have all experienced sadness, fear, regret or anger. These emotions usually stem from loss, either someone or something very close to us. Difficult times happen to everyone and cannot be avoided, but, despite this, we cannot get an absentee note for a broken heart or after an argument with a partner. The emotions we […]

Effortless rest- 9 ways to have a good sleep

11 spalio, 2019

Sleep disorders already affect every second inhabitant of our planet. The pace of life, stress and the pursuit of material goods are increasingly driving us into the trap of depression, insomnia and even to a nervous breakdown. Instead of providing us with a better mental state, our habits only exacerbate the malaise, leading to extreme […]