Snoring in children with ADHD
Snoring can be caused by swollen tonsils that constrict pulmonary airways. Snoring and problems with breathing contribute to sleepiness. This will surely have a negative effect on the child’s well-being as well as both mental and physical condition on the next day. This will result in impaired attention, slow thinking and irritation and – in consequence – worse results in school.
The effects of sleepiness can be even more severe if the child suffers from ADHD disorders. But can snoring cause ADHD disorders? Research does not confirm this. Can ADHD be the cause of snoring? Usually it is enough to remove tonsils to find this out. If the child does not suffer from ADHD, this treatment will surely restore healthy sleep, improve concentration as well as contribute to clear thinking and ability to learn. In the case of a child with ADHD that snores, it is worth introducing the treatment and thus facilitate therapy or reduce the amount of medications taken.
Restless Legs Syndrome and ADHD
Not all persons with ADHD disorders suffer from RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) – and not all persons with RLS suffer from ADHD. However, there is a likely link between these two conditions.
Restless Leg Syndrome is the constant need to move one’s legs, and sometimes hands, due to the continuous feeling of numbness. RLS is considered a sleep disorder.
It results in sleepiness and any other effects that sleep deprivation entails (as in the case of snoring). Restless Leg Syndrome can be the cause of hyperactivity, distraction and impulsiveness. Such symptoms also accompany ADHD.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is characterized by short – and sometimes numerous – pauses in breathing during sleep. Apnea is detrimental to the quality of sleep and has a negative effect on the functioning of the body. Sleep apnea may be caused by swollen tonsils, allergies and excess body weight. The results of sleep apnea are the same as in other cases – sleepiness, worse association capability, low concentration, poor memory, malaise, irritation etc.
Sleep apnea occurs equally in children with ADHD and children without the disorder. You can help them by providing specialist medical attention.
How to restore healthy sleep for your child.
Can parents do anything to make their little ones sleep better? Absolutely yes. Most of all, it is worth introducing a permanent ritual related to the child’s sleep, i.e.
- ventilate the child’s room before sleep,
- cover windows and turn off devices that emit blue light (TV, computer),
- close the doors and windows so that the child’s room is filled with silence (if it is not possible to mute all sounds coming into the room, one can play some relaxing “white noise”),
- do not engage the child in any exciting or stimulating activities before going to bed,
- if there are such recommendations, you can tuck the child in a weighted blanket,
- put your child to sleep at scheduled times.