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Dangers of Putting to Sleep

11 spalio, 2019

Publications on the latest methods of the upbringing of children and infants are gaining popularity. Many of them concern innovative ways of putting to sleep which are supposed to help parents setting the appropriate patterns from the very first months of their children’s life. As it turns out some theories may in practice be detrimental […]

Dangers of Putting to Sleep

11 spalio, 2019

Publications on the latest methods of the upbringing of children and infants are gaining popularity. Many of them concern innovative ways of putting to sleep which are supposed to help parents setting the appropriate patterns from the very first months of their children’s life. As it turns out some theories may in practice be detrimental […]

Concentration Problems at School

11 spalio, 2019

As parents we often wonder about the border between usual child’s distraction and a disorder that needs to be examined.  The problem begins when our child starts going to school and his behaviour attracts the teachers’ attention. What can we do to help our child get used to the rhythm and discipline of school or […]


11 spalio, 2019

<h2>Förebyggande av kriser – eliminering av irriterande stimuli. Det viktigaste är att titta på barnet och eliminera irriterande stimuli från sin omgivning. Med överkänslighet mot ljud bör du ge barnet en lugn plats, väl isolerade från varje ljud. Ett skydd kan vara ett rum med fönster och dörrar, där du inte kan höra fläktar, högt […]

Relaxing Games for Children

11 spalio, 2019

Nowadays when tablets and cellphones are children`s favourite toys, it is important to know relaxation techniques which will help the children to improve their thinking and other skills necessary to live in the today’s world. The best scenario is when they are connected with creative fun to fully engage our children in the play. Learning […]

How to Encourage Your Child to Read Books?

11 spalio, 2019

Reading numbers in Poland shrink every year. Children are more eager to find entertainment in cellphones and tablets instead of books. This is a very disturbing phenomenon because, despite booming technology, reading improves the development of the youngest and stimulates them to further discover the world. How to encourage a child to reach for books […]

How to raise an optimist?

11 spalio, 2019

A child is cheerful to a large extent thanks to their cheerful and happy parents. Our little ones carefully watch “adult” activities in stressful situations, how we react to failures and remember very well how the dialogues with our partner, friend or complete strangers look like. Even if not all of our behaviors can serve […]

Exercising the sense of touch – creative activities!

11 spalio, 2019

Touch is a very important sense which has a great influence on physical and psychological development of a child. In the first days and months, a baby needs contact with mother’s skin in order to feel safe and within subsequent phases, touch influences the development of the baby’s nervous and emotional system. What is more, […]

Bruxism, or how the body relieves tension during sleep

11 spalio, 2019

In Europe, this affects up to 25 percent of the population, mostly young women and men, but it also occurs in children. Bruxism, or the unconscious clenching of the jaw muscles during sleep, happens above all to people living in constant tension and stress, causing a number of afflictions and dangers. What exactly is bruxism […]