
When the mind stops understanding the body

07 September, 2020

The harmony of body and soul is the basis of the philosophy and operation of Chinese medicine. According to the knowledge passed down from generation to generation and common methods of diagnosis, many diseases have a mental background, and the body becomes ill due to tension or frustration. What exactly happens when our psyche and […]

Sleep regression, and why you return to sleepless nights

17 August, 2020

Has your baby suddenly stopped sleeping the way he used to? Sudden changes in a baby’s sleep are often caused by the acquisition of new skills at a given stage, i.e. development leaps. How can you recognize sleep regression and deal with it effectively? According to specialists, sleep regression is the temporary deterioration of a […]

Is the baby stressed?

09 July, 2020

We usually don’t associate emotions such as stress with childhood, and certainly not as early as infancy. However, it turns out that we can completely unconsciously give our little one a sufficient dose of stress that will affect his development and functioning. What is infant stress? How does it manifest itself and how to prevent […]

Are you sure you know all your senses?

01 July, 2020

We all know that a person has five basic senses – smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight, through which we correctly receive information from the environment. However, there are other sensory systems that inform us about who we are, how we feel at the moment and what action we should take. What happens when they […]

Healthy sleep – time to return to the basics

01 July, 2020

We are happy to use the latest technologies, simplify our lives and organise everyday life more efficiently. However, there are areas such as sleep, where neither technology nor performance are our allies. In spite of various trends and fleeting theories, in order to sleep well, one should follow simple rules and principles. Here are some […]

Pathological worrying – see if you do it

09 June, 2020

Fear, anxiety, care or concern are normal states and emotions that we deal with in everyday life. However, they can go beyond healthy boundaries and turn into pathological worry. How do you know which type of behaviour you are dealing with and how to deal with it? To understand pathological worry, imagine standing in a […]

Suppression of emotions – through a sick soul to a sick body

09 June, 2020

When stress becomes a permanent part of our lives, and we accept its presence, more destructive changes begin to take place in the body. Over time, hiding from the mental load caused by the stress, and ignoring its warning signs, will cause our body to become physically sick. Do you perceive everything in terms of […]