Sensory integration

Sensory integration and sensory integration disorders

14 September, 2017 , / Mateusz

Sensory integration that is the work of the senses The brain does not act alone. It receives stimuli from the outside world through various senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, vestibular as well as proprioceptive and interoceptive systems. What is important is the fact that those senses do not function as standalone, but rather complement one […]

Sensory integration with autistic children

15 May, 2017 , / Mateusz

The sensorial world of an autistic child. Every day we all use our senses and do so to a great extent subconsciously. We look, we listen, we taste, we smell and we touch. We also use our sense of balance and proprioception, or deep feeling. All this happens harmoniously and one could say “painlessly”. The […]