
Effortless rest- 9 ways to have a good sleep

29 August, 2019

Sleep disorders already affect every second inhabitant of our planet. The pace of life, stress and the pursuit of material goods are increasingly driving us into the trap of depression, insomnia and even to a nervous breakdown. Instead of providing us with a better mental state, our habits only exacerbate the malaise, leading to extreme […]

Sweet Sleep: Dealing With And Overcoming Sleep Disorders

28 August, 2019

Sleep. We often take it for granted, expecting that every night we’ll drift into sweet slumber. But for millions of people around the world, sleep is a challenge. Due to sleep disorders, they find themselves unable to sleep, or worse. But what exactly are sleep disorders? And what causes them? In this post, we’re going […]

Cortisol – beware of this hormone

01 July, 2019

When we start to stress, our body reacts as if we were fighting or running away. This condition is mainly determined by cortisol, called the “stress hormone”, an excess of which can damage our body and mind. Fight-or-flight The fight-or-flight response was well known to our ancestors. During hunting and gathering food, the human body […]

The facets of melatonin

19 June, 2019

Melatonin is responsible for our sleep, protects against many diseases and helps fight depression. However, although it has a number of beneficial features, it can be dangerous. Even so, it is readily available in every pharmacy, like the most common vitamin supplements. From the brain to the intestines Melatonin, also known as the “hormone of […]

Tired working mothers

16 May, 2019

Researchers are sounding the alarm – women should not go back to work soon after giving birth. Why? Intermittent and ineffective sleep, as well as the constant night vigil for the child, can cause the new mothers permanent fatigue and frustration. Such an unstable emotional state cannot possibly have a positive effect on job satisfaction […]

Naps are more important than you think!

10 April, 2019

The culture in which we live has made the line separating professional and private reality very fine and thin. Many of us end up working at home, think about it during weekends and holidays, and there is not much time left for a real physical and mental rest. A short break and specifically a short […]

Bruxism, or how the body relieves tension during sleep

29 March, 2019

In Europe, this affects up to 25 percent of the population, mostly young women and men, but it also occurs in children. Bruxism, or the unconscious clenching of the jaw muscles during sleep, happens above all to people living in constant tension and stress, causing a number of afflictions and dangers. What exactly is bruxism […]