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The ‘yes’ approach – take care of your child’s mental balance!

07 May, 2020

Change can be a challenge for a person and means leaving the comfort zone to a greater or lesser degree. The functional changes we are experiencing during the #stayathome campaign are also rearranging the whole family system, in which one element affects several more. Forced quarantine is trying to balance new challenges – but we […]

Is a sleepy parent a worse parent?

27 April, 2020

It is no secret to anyone that raising young children is overcome by fatigue, especially in the first stages of a baby’s life. Parents often feel frustrated, irritable and have a very strong yearning for uninterrupted, restorative sleep. But what happens when parents of older children and teenagers suffer from sleep disorders? Does it affect […]

How and why should you get up earlier? Here are 5 reasons!

27 April, 2020

Mornings can be challenging; activities are performed in a hurry, stress, no time for breakfast or a moment for contemplation. Sounds familiar? Maybe it’s time to change your habits and start drawing energy for the whole day in the mornings. It is actually possible to start the day with a relaxing hot coffee accompanied by […]

8 things successful people do before bedtime

16 March, 2020

Although the whole balance of our activity during the day is important in falling asleep, it turns out that the last thing we do before falling asleep is the most important. It is this activity that affects the mood and energy levels the next day, as well as the quality and length of sleep. Successful […]

Surprising ways to overcome the blues

12 March, 2020

We all have bad days, moods and attitude to the world. This is completely normal. However, sometimes watching your favourite movie or eating a bar of chocolate is not enough to beat the blues. At times our internal negative state is deeper and requires more specific action. Therapeutic elements (and accessories) that we don’t use […]

Somniphobia – when sleep causes real fear

11 March, 2020

Somniphobia is a chronic and irrational fear of falling asleep and sleep, which is becoming increasingly widespread in modern societies. Sometimes it is also confused with insomnia, but this confusion just makes it harder for a diagnosis and a chance of full recovery. Avoiding sleep can lead to serious disorders such as severely reduced immunity, […]

21st-century stress – what is it and what are its sources?

24 January, 2020

Although stress and its sources may be a familiar topic, we are still underestimating its impact on our lives, health and ability to function normally. We are aware of the fact that it exists, and we feel its impact, but research shows, despite growing awareness, we are becoming increasingly stressed and exhausted by demanding emotions. […]


22 January, 2020

Although it may seem that little is happening during the sleep of a baby or child, actually many very important processes are occurring in his body. Effective naps and sleep allow rapid child development in the early stages of life. Furthermore, research shows that children have problems with concentration and emotions up to adulthood if […]

How Can We Overcome Our Negative Self-perception?

27 December, 2019

When we want to work on our self-assessment, we should answer the fundamental questions, “Who am I?” and “How do I feel about it?” Low self-esteem comes from long term negative perception of yourself. How can you reverse this thinking and stop being so hard on yourself? We assess ourselves poorly when someone touches and […]

Code of conduct for a hyperactive child

18 November, 2019

Although every child needs love and attention, children with psychomotor disorders need them even more. Their behaviour, tiring to everyone around them, causes serious problems and unpleasantness, especially to themselves. Given the ever-growing number of children with this type of disorder, it’s worth knowing how to deal with them to show as much understanding and […]