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Dangers of Putting to Sleep

02 October, 2018

Publications on the latest methods of the upbringing of children and infants are gaining popularity. Many of them concern innovative ways of putting to sleep which are supposed to help parents setting the appropriate patterns from the very first months of their children’s life. As it turns out some theories may in practice be detrimental […]

Children gaining weight due to poor sleep. Is it possible?

09 June, 2018

How long should a child sleep? It is assumed that an adult person should sleep more or less 8 hours, but such standard is much too low in the case of children. According to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, children’s developing bodies will be rested only after sleeping – during the day (i.e. including […]

Does social anxiety have anything to do with Asperger syndrome?

29 January, 2018 ,

Asperger syndrome according to DSM V Pursuant to the DSM V disorder classification of the American Psychiatric Association, Asperger syndrome is included into a wider group of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). According to DSM V, the symptoms of Asperger syndrome include: A. Persistent deficits in social communication and relationships with numerous environments, as manifested by: […]

ADHD and child’s problems with sleeping

20 December, 2017 ,

Snoring in children with ADHD Snoring can be caused by swollen tonsils that constrict pulmonary airways. Snoring and problems with breathing contribute to sleepiness. This will surely have a negative effect on the child’s well-being as well as both mental and physical condition on the next day. This will result in impaired attention, slow thinking […]

Procrastination might be a sign of serious disorders

13 December, 2017

Procrastination and stress There are people for whom procrastination is a disturbance in life. Procrastination results in reduced social status as well as deterioration of their financial situation. Also, such persons are not able to change their behavioral schemes – putting things off for later. This is how the vicious circle of stress and procrastination […]

Exercises for adults with ADHD

13 December, 2017

Exercise is good for the brain During their adult life, persons with ADHD disorders often struggle with a lack of concentration, slower thinking, forgetfulness, distraction, impulsiveness. These features tend to be devastating for both relationships with their loved ones and for their professional careers. Furthermore, all are linked to the most important organ of the […]

ADHD disorders – symptoms in children and adults

13 December, 2017

Symptoms of ADHD in children ADHD disorder can manifest itself in three areas: attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Attention disorders make the child: easily distracted, experience problems with performing difficult, long and monotonous tasks, and often do not finish them, experience difficulty in focusing on one thing, commit errors due to being distracted, experience difficulty […]

How to tell that you are not getting enough sleep?

27 October, 2017

Swollen eyelids, bloodshot eyes, dark circles around the eyes, tired complexion – reducing your nighttime rest is related to the reduction of the deep sleep phase. This means that the body has insufficient time to regenerate and properly manage the hormones it produces. Thus, the dark circles and bloodshot eyes, skin eczema and a gray, […]

Work – how to be effective despite ADHD

24 October, 2017

Dreamers and perfectionists Nobody is perfect. Therefore, there are no perfect employees. Many practitioners underline that one of the most significant elements of a successful professional career is adjusting one’s occupation to personal potential (competences, qualifications, predispositions, personality etc). Theory indicates three types of ADHD : predominantly hyperactive-impulsive (most common amongst men), predominantly inattentive (most […]

ADHD and stress

10 October, 2017

Even when we omit the aforementioned chain of actions and reactions and assume that a person with ADHD experiences nothing but sympathy from the environment, we must consider that stress would accumulate in such a person anyways. Why? Because the limitations caused by ADHD make the afflicted person experience a feeling of loss of control […]